College media Business & Advertising Managers
NEWS & UPDATESWelcome new CMBAM board members
The following representatives of CMBAM member schools were elected to positions on the CMBAM board of directors this fall. Their terms will commence Jan. 1, 2025.President (Two-year term)Julie Salter University of AlabamaSecretary/Treasurer (Two-year term)Chris Richert Michigan State...

2024 Contest Finalists
The judges have reviewed the entries in the annual CMBAM contest and selected the winners! The schools listed below have at least one entry that placed first, second or third in the 2024 competition. Entries were judged by a group of professionals volunteering their time. Winners will be announced...

Student Press Freedom Day 2024
Student Press Freedom Day is coming up Feb. 22 and provides an opportunity for business and editorial staffs to collaborate to shine a light on the importance of student journalism. Student Press Freedom Day is an initiative spearheaded by the Student Press Law Center, with dozens of media groups...
Welcome our new board members
The following representatives of CMBAM member schools were elected to positions on the CMBAM board of directors this fall. Their terms will commence Jan. 1, 2024. Programming Director-Elect (Two-year term)Jennifer Newton California State University, Long BeachMember Recognition & Awards...
2023 Board of Directors Candidates
The following candidates are running for positions on the CMBAM board of directors. CMBAM members logged in to the website can access the ballot at Voting is open until 2 p.m. Central Time on Monday, Nov. 20. Candidate ForumProgramming Director-ElectJennifer...

CMBAM takes Minneapolis in 2023
We enjoyed gathering with advisers and students from CMBAM member schools for the 2023 CMBAM convention in Minneapolis! Check out photos and recaps of the conference happenings: More than a dozen sessions were presented on a variety of timely topics The 2023 CMBAM Awards were presented with a...
Tips on Training
By Tyler Sprague For the entire month of September, CMBAM is all about training! Training students, staff members, and all other levels of employees can be overwhelming and, at times, even downright scary. So, what can you do to ensure you're prepared to give your staff valuable and relevant...

2023 Contest Finalists
The judges have reviewed the entries in the annual CMBAM contest and selected the winners. The schools listed below have at least one entry that placed in the 2023 competition. Entries were judged by a group of professionals volunteering their time. Winners will be announced Oct. 14 during the...

2023 contest now open!
Entries are now being accepted for the 2023 CMBAM contest! The deadline to enter is July 14. Check out the contest rules to find the categories and requirements. Then log in to the CMBAM website to submit. Entry forms will appear under the award tab of the menu only when logged in to the website....
2023 Individual Award Winners
Individual award winners were announced during a Zoom ceremony on Friday, April 14. Congratulations to our winners! Be on the lookout for information coming soon about entering our full slate of awards as we shift the contest to align with our new fall convention schedule. The award deadline will...