College media Business & Advertising Managers
Individual Awards & Special Recognition2025 RULES & INFO
Entry Deadline: (Uploaded by) Friday, March 7, by 7 p.m. Central Time
Please read all the information regarding this competition.
All entries are judged by qualified media and advertising professionals. No member of the CMBAM board or any CMBAM member school will assist in judging.
Entries improperly or incompletely prepared or uploaded will be reviewed for errors. The Member Recognition and Awards Director will attempt to correct minor errors, but rules will be strictly enforced, without exception. Failure to comply with the contest entry rules will result in disqualification from the category for which submitted.
Please refer to the individual category descriptions and rules for detailed explanations of requirements.
Categories, rules, judging criteria, and entry instructions for each category are outlined in this document. If you still have questions about the contest or your entries after reading the entry instructions, please contact CMBAM Member Recognition and Awards Director Rob Steedly by email at
For Individual awards, nominees must have been full-time students during the time represented in their entries. Accomplishments cited in the nomination materials must emphasize the impact of the person’s work at the CMBAM member college media company on or between Jan. 1, 2024, and Dec. 31, 2024. Nominees must have worked at the media company for at least three months during that time.
There is no limit on the number of entries per category for each member.
file submission guidelines:
- Use this naming convention for files: category number_org name_college/university. DO NOT use spaces, commas, or special characters.
- Here is a sample file name: P1_MinnesotaDaily_UniversityOfMinnesota
- If you are submitting multiple entries, please add an underscore and number of the entry to the name: P1_MinnesotaDaily_UniversityOfMinnesota_1
- All PDF submissions should be submitted as a reduced-file-size PDF.
- Individual files should not exceed 100MB.
Contest Site: will host the contest platform. Please direct all questions regarding the contest website to Rob Steedley, Member Recognition and Awards Director, at
Awards distribution:
Awards are planned to be presented at a virtual awards ceremony April 11 at 4 p.m. EDT. A Zoom link will be emailed to CMBAM members ahead of the ceremony. CMBAM will ship awards to the recipients.
Entry Forms
Must be logged in with a current CMBAM membership to access entry forms