Q: Your Name?
A: James Wilson
Q: At what school do you work?
A: University of Michigan
Q: How long have you been in student media?
A: A little more than 2 years, but was heavily involved with CM Life at Central Michigan University during my undergraduate career, both on editorial and business.
Q: What are you most proud of at your Student Media Org?
A: I’m most proud of our Rivalry edition. This project brought together business and editorial teams of The Michigan Daily and OSU’s The Lantern through a fundraising competition and joint publication. We just wrapped up our third year with this collaboration, and I love seeing how the students elevate the project each year.
Q: What is a fun fact about you, your town, your University?
A: A fun fact about me is I’m a first-generation high school graduate who came from a small farm town where the cows outnumbered the people.
Q: What is a media project you would most like to pick someone’s brain about?
A: We’re looking to explore affiliate marketing through Amazon and would be curious if any other student media organizations are exploring this business avenue.
Q: What is your favorite snack on a road trip?
A: I definitely need caffeine for the road- so either a sugar free Red Bull or an iced latte from a local coffee shop.
Connect with James: jwilsonr@umich.edu